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U Chit Bo Bo Win

(Senior Consultant)

  • MSc (Civil: Water resources)
  • BE (Port and Harbor Engineering)
  • Dip (Civil: Water resources)

Years of Experience in EIA – > 9 Years

Dynamic and motivated professional currently working in Environmental Compliance Consultancy industry with:

  • 2 + years’ experience as Assistant of JICA Expert on Disaster Risk Reduction
  • 2 + years’ experience as Project Assistant/JICA SATREPS Project (Project for Development of a Comprehensive Disaster Resilience System and Collaboration Platform in Myanmar)
  • 1 + year experience as Junior Researcher/Hydro informatics Centre/ Component-1/Ayeyarwady Integrated River Basin Management Project
  • 10+ years’ as Freelance Teacher for High School Mathematics and Science in Myanmar

Area of expertise

  1. Hydrology, Surface Water and Groundwater Conservation
  2. Water Pollution Prevention, Control, Monitoring and Prediction of Impacts